- convenience foods
- потр. пищевые полуфабрикаты (продукты для быстрого приготовления)Syn:semi-prepared foodsSee:
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Convenience-Foods — Con|ve|ni|ence Foods [kən vi:njənsˌfʊdz] <Pl.> [engl. convenience foods, aus: convenience = Bequemlichkeit u. food = Essen, Nahrung] (Wirtsch.): Lebensmittel, die schon für den Verbrauch weitgehend zubereitet sind u. daher eine… … Universal-Lexikon
Convenience-Foods — Con|ve|ni|ence Foods [kən vi:njənsfudz] die (Plur.) <zu engl. convenience food »Fertignahrung« zu convenience »Annehmlichkeit, Bequemlichkeit« u. food »Nahrung«> Lebensmittel, die schon für den Verbrauch weitgehend zubereitet sind u. daher… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
convenience — con‧ve‧ni‧ence [kənˈviːniəns] adjective convenience foods/meals/goods food products that are made and packed in a way that makes them very quick and easy to use: • the growth in sales of frozen convenience meals see also flag of convenience * * … Financial and business terms
Convenience food — Jarritos soda A rack of convenience foods … Wikipedia
convenience food — also convenience foods noun (C, U) food that is frozen, or in tins, packages etc, and can be prepared quickly and easily: People with busy lifestyles tend to rely more and more on convenience foods … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
convenience food — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms convenience food : singular convenience food plural convenience foods food that is quick and easy to prepare such as food that has already been cooked and only needs to be heated. Fast food is food… … English dictionary
convenience — I. noun Date: 14th century 1. fitness or suitability for performing an action or fulfilling a requirement 2. a. something (as an appliance, device, or service) conducive to comfort or ease b. chiefly British toilet 3 3. a suitable or convenient… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Convenience-Food — Con|ve|ni|ence Food, Con|ve|ni|ence|food [kən vi:njənsfu:d ], das; [s], s [engl. convenience foods, aus: convenience = Bequemlichkeit u. food = Essen, Nahrung]: a) Nahrungsmittel, das für die Weiterverarbeitung in der Gastronomie vorbereitet ist; … Universal-Lexikon
convenience food — con venience .food n [U and C] food that is partly or completely prepared already and that is sold frozen or in cans, packages etc, so that it can be prepared quickly and easily ▪ We eat too little fresh food, relying instead on convenience foods … Dictionary of contemporary English
Convenience cooking — is the practice of streamlining recipes for simplicity and speed of preparation. It is a common practice in Western cultures, where both men and women work outside the home and elaborate meals are difficult if not impossible to pull off given the … Wikipedia
Convenience store — Party store redirects here. For the Dirtbombs album, see Party Store (album). Corner shop redirects here. For the British band, see Cornershop. A convenience store, corner store, corner shop, commonly called a bodega in Spanish speaking areas of… … Wikipedia